www.esca-tech.com | Ph: (414) 962 - 5323 | ESCA Tech, Inc. Most cleaners and disinfectants contain added chelates (typically EDTA and / or citric acid) to control water hardness and prevent soap scum. Chelates also dissolve most metals, and for this reason are regulated by the Clean Water Act. Metals dissolved by chelates create difficul�es in mee�ng water discharge limits. Since wastewater treatment plants use a variety of methods for contaminant removal, we offer a choice of cleaners with alternate surfactant systems. WASTEWATER SAFE - WHY WE DON’T ADD CHELATES Metals in their water soluble form can be more easily absorbed into the body. D-Lead and D-Wipe products are formulated to minimize water solubility while efficiently floa�ng metal dusts so they can be quickly removed. D-Lead Cleaners are designed to neutralize sta�c charges and efficiently li� lead, chromium and other metal dusts so they can be easily wiped or rinsed away. Unlike common dirt, lead, chromium and other metal dusts are heavy, s�cky and hold a sta�c charge. Most commercial cleaners are not efficient at removing metal dusts. WHY D-LEAD Today we offer a comprehensive line of skin & surface cleaners, laundry detergents, wipes, tes�ng products and equipment to control and clean up lead and heavy metal contamina�on. In 2010 our D-Lead Paint Test kit received recogni�on from the US EPA for use by cer�fied renovators. In 1983 we introduced the first skin cleaner formulated to maximize the removal of lead compounds. In February 1979 ESCA Tech was formed to assist companies in reducing and controlling workers’ exposure to lead and provide training in the implementa�on of blood lead reduc�on programs. H I S TOR Y ABOUT US ® ® ® ® ® ABOUT US 0 50 100 150 200 Selenium Cobalt Mercury Lead Silver Arsenic Chrome (VI) Cadmium 100 100 50 10 10 5 5 Based on OSHA Permissible Exposure Limits (µg/mᶟ) Rela�ve toxicity of common metals