ESCA Tech Product Catalog

D-Lead® Paint Test Kit is an EPA Recognized test for lead and lead chromate in paint Ph: (414) 962 - 5323 ESCA TECH, INC. | | 10 US EPA: h�ps://�on/files/documents/renovaterightbrochure.pdf Lead paint found in residential housing 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 before 1940 1940 - 1959 1960 - 1978 87 69 24 Year house was built % of homes likely to contain lead in at least 1 loca�on - HIGH LEAD LEVEL - - LOW LEAD LEVEL - - NO LEAD DETECTED - See detailed instructi ons before use. COMPLETE TEST IN 3 MINUTES - structural steel - aluminium - concrete - brick - stucco - siding - bridges - water towers - ships, docks, shipyards - gas storage tanks Detect the presence of lead and lead chromate coatings on: EPA recognized in accordance with 40 CFR 745.88 for use on drywall, plaster, wood and ferrous metal surfaces. 24 Total tests 24 COUNT PAINT TEST KIT PTKIT-24-1.0 7 Total tests 7 COUNT PAINT TEST KIT PTKIT-007 Instructional video available at The D-Lead® Paint Test Kit detects lead and lead chromate based paints in minutes. No addi�onal �me is required to detect lead chromate commonly found in red, yellow, orange and green paints. EPA Recognized D- LEAD PAINT TEST KIT ® PAINT TEST KITS c and other metal dust