www.esca-tech.com | Ph: (414) 962 - 5323 | ESCA TECH, INC. D-Lead® Automa�c Test Sta�on quickly tests for lead dust on hands 9 See detailed instruc�on sheet before use. For increased sensi�vity, use test pads Posi�ve test on hand An immediate color change to yellow indicates the presence of lead 320 COUNT TEST PADS 1,000 Total Tests TEST SOLUTIONS 1 & 2 (Test solu�ons sold separately) AUTO LEAD TEST STATION KT-320 KT-1000 KT-S1000 Instructional video available at www.d-leadtestkit.com The D-Lead® Automa�c Test Sta�on quickly tests for lead on hands using D-Lead® Test Solu�ons 1 & 2. The touchless technology reduces cross contamina�on and the D-Lead® Test Pads enhance sensi�vity. LEAD TEST STATIONS D-LEAD AUTOMATIC TEST STATION ®