The D-Lead® Test Kit is a 2 step portable test for lead dust. Use on hands, clothing, PPE, equipment, keyboards, phones, tables and floors. The intensity of the yellow color shows the rela�ve lead level. It provides immediate results and can detect as li�le as 20 micrograms total lead. Test is not suited for lead chromate or for detec�ng lead in water, soil, paint, oil gasoline or fabric dyes. Instructional video available at KT-002 KT-021 KT-024 TEST KIT POCKETSIZE TEST KIT TEST KIT SOLUTIONS 1 & 2 800 Total Tests 20 Total Tests 120 Total Tests 8 Ph: (414) 962 - 5323 ESCA Tech, Inc. | | D-Lead® Test Kit detects lead dust on skin and surfaces including hands, clothing, PPE, tables & floors Kit includes: Kit includes: 100 mL spray bottles of Solution 1 & 2, 120 test pads, 20 Individual D-Wipe Towels and plastic carrying case 8 ml spray bottles of Solution 1 & 2, 10 test pads and plastic carrying pouch 710 mL spray bottles of Solution 1 & 2 (Test pads sold separately) D- LEAD© DUST TEST KIT LEAD DUST TEST KIT RELATIVE LEAD LEVELS The test shows the rela�ve amount of lead present by the intensity of the yellow color. The test pad can be analyzed for total lead by a laboratory. If the test area is known, then the results can be es�mated in micrograms per square cm. ~ 20 µg * ~ 50 µg * ~ 100 µg * * Es�mates based on controlled laboratory condi�ons. and other metal dust KT-100 CT-181 GW-001 TEST KIT PADS 100 Pads Total For use with D-Lead Test Kits 10 packs of test kit pads (10 pads per pack) CLEARANCE TAPE 180 foot roll Tape Dispenser: DCT-001 Use to precisely measure wipe sample area Pre-printed inch & mm GHOST™ WIPE Size: 15 cm X 15 cm Meets ASTM E 1792 for wipe sampling metals in surface dust